Can you get the same affect with an umbrella instead of using a softbox?

Im getting a SB-600 speedlight and was wondering if using an umbrella instead of a softbox would have the same affect because the umbrella looks lighter to carry around than the softbox. Which one is usually cheaper? Or basically, just tell me about both umbrella and softbox and if I can get the same affect with the umbrella

I think going by past experience, that the softbox does not let as much light out the back and is more direct. I think that the umbrella gives a softer, less direct area of light.

But of course this can differ with sizes and cameras etc. Perhaps go into one of those studio type shops and ask there.

Edit: The softbox is collapsible just like the umbrella, and both are usually mounted so there is little difference but the umbrella will be a bit less fiddly as it doesn't have the soft removable cover across the front.

Answer by Purple witch hazel *Atheigasm* on 08 Jan 2010 12:18:26
Best Answer

Basically you can get the same sort of effect - they both spread and soften the light.

Depending on the size of the SBox then you can get a softer more diffuse effect.
As you are worried about size/weight then a brolly would do the job just as well.
Get a white translucent one then you can bounce off or shoot through for slightly different effects.

Brollies are easier to use/setup and cheaper.

Answer by Sam on 09 Jan 2010 07:18:46

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