anybody with a holga camera?

i'm thinking of getting this one: [URL Truncated]

is your holga easy to use? tips on use? are they nice? are they worth buying?

People like Holgas because they take crappy photos. I wouldn't get one unless you are already a proficient photographer. Shoot with a film or digital SLR, and learn how to use it. A great photographer can take great shots with a Holga. Crappy photographers will still take Crappy cell-phone esque pictures with the holga

You need to get 120 film for it. This is not easy to find, and it's not easy to get developed.

If you can develop your own 120 film, enjoy the holga. If not, have fun with your cell phone camera and save yourself the 30 dollars

Answer by Zach L on 01 Jan 2010 10:58:13

I wanted to cut and past Zach's answer, but I'd like to add that the price they charge for that camera should be something like $10 instead.

It's poorly made and done so on purpose--and a cell phone will take a better photo (hard to believe).

120 films are hard to find and expensive to develop and print. Look at this--each roll will cost you $14. [URL Truncated]

Answer by Pooky on 01 Jan 2010 11:23:07
Best Answer

Using the Holga is about giving up some technical control and the imperfect lenses on a primitive camera is about allowing "chance" into the process.

Below I included some links to resources that could be of help in learning more and shopping for your Holga needs.

It is good to learn the fundamentals of photography, that will help support all your future photo endeavors.

If you go on to use the Holga or some camera like it (examples: Diana, or Lomo) then you can shoot and do the non-digital darkroom approach to make your prints or you can get the film processed at a photo lab and either have the lab scan the negatives or you can scan them with a scanner (I suggest an Epson flatbed scanner capable of medium format film scanning - Holga shoots 120 or 220 film which is medium format).

Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you think I can be of any help.


Answer by Mark on 02 Jan 2010 08:26:43

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