Where can i develop this camera. Need Help Please!?

im thinking about becoming a photographer and i need help buying my first camera, i choose this one since it's pretty cheap and i like how it comes out looking black and white but i have no idea how to develop it can i just take it to Walgreens or Walmart?
Heres the camera i want to buy

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i've had friends that have bought this camera before and it works really well. you should try taking it to a local pharmacy to develop the pictures. if its digital jus buy a card reader, and transfer the pics to your computer..hope that helped!

Answer by Kel on 04 Jan 2010 02:26:20
Best Answer

"i've had friends that have bought this camera before and it works really well. if its digital jus buy a card reader, and transfer the pics to your computer..hope that helped!"

Did you even bother to look at the camera link? Its a single use disposable b&w with 35mm 400 speed film. Why would you mention "if its digital"?

Walgreens and walmart should be able to process this film. I just had some reprints from 35mm color negatives done at Walgreens. The only problem I could see being possible is that its b&w. I believe the chemistry and processing of b&w is different from color. On the camera it says "Real b&w film to process in a traditional b&w developer".

I know the major retailers can still process 35mm color negatives but you should call them or check their websites to confirm they process 35mm b&w. They may send it out to another lab or they may be able to do it in house. In the worst case a local photo store should be able to help you.

Answer by KNDChicago on 04 Jan 2010 02:46:22

Take it to walmart to have the film processed. BTW it is a 35 MM film camera.

Answer by thomasb1961 on 04 Jan 2010 02:46:32

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