question about video cameras?! please help..?

i have a new video camera (canon FS200)
can i some how hook this up to my computer and use it as a web cam for like skype and such?

Best Answer

It may very well be possible, and your user manual will tell you if it IS.

However, I wouldn't want to use such a nice camcorder as webcam. Think of all the wear and tear on it, when a cheap little webcam (they come as cheap as about $20 now) can do a perfectly adequate job, plus it will always be ready and set up for you, and NOT wear out your nice camcorder.

Answer by selina_555 on 30 Dec 2009 02:52:06

If I remember correctly (not always!) the FS200 records to memory cards, not tape. There are no tape deck controls to wear out, really nothing but the zoom and focus mechanisms that actually move.

I have an older Samsung MiniDV that will work as a webcam, on a pass-through firewire connection. Used in this manner, it doesn't use the tape system at all, just the zoom and focus. There would be no real wear and tear on the camera if used as a webcam.

Your manual will tell you if you can use your video camera as a web cam, and what you need to do so if it is possible.

Answer by Caoedhen on 30 Dec 2009 07:43:38

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